Message Tailoring System Components

Message Tailoring is about selecting the appropriate behavior change intervention for the recipient.
The components of the methodology for selecting interventions is illustrated below.

message tailoring

  • Templates: Templates of interventions. Annotated with properties such as peer_comparison, normaative, or achievable_benchmark
  • Situation: The attributes of the situation of the group or individual that is the recipient of the message.
    Annotate with properties such as low_performance, promotion_focus, or obligation_behavior.
  • Candidates: Combination of Situation x Templates.
    The number of candidates is the same as the number of templates as only one situation at a time is considered.
    A candidate contains all the attributes of its parent template and situation.
  • ISI: Intervention-Situation-Interaction is derived from a psychological theory. It makes inferences about candidate interventions based upon their attributes. The current implementation of an ISI is a set of SWRL rules that assert which candidates are acceptable candidates.

KGrid Usage

Service Knowledge Objects

KGrid knowledge objects encapsulate a “I know how to…” with the relevant metadata. As an example, consider a knowledge object that asserts “I know how to construct a svg formatted graph artifact from plot data.”

generate_category_plot <- function(plot_data, plot_title, y_label, cat_labels){
  plot <- ggplot(plot_data, aes(x = timepoint, y = count)) +
    geom_col(aes(fill = event)) +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks=pretty_breaks()) +
    labs(title = plot_title, x = " ", y = y_label) +
      discrete = TRUE,
      breaks = levels(plot_data$event),
      labels = cat_labels

The above would be the code of the knowledge object. Attached to that would be FIO and RIDO tripples such as:

  • (. rido:number_of_dimensions "2")
  • (. fio:has_attribute fio:peer_comparison)
  • (. fio:has_attribute fio:self_comparison)

In this way, the knowledge about how to do a thing and the associated metadata used to reason about the context of that knowledge is together in a single container.

Resource Knowledge Objects

In order to store reuseable and actionable knowledge that is not directly executeable a kobject that retuns it’s contents as a resource can be used. Consider the actionable knoweldge of a particular ISI. It is a simple rule defining an acceptable candidate.

Candidate(?c) ^ hasAttribute(?c, AchievableBenchmark) -> AcceptableCandidate(?c)

The above rule would be stored in the knowledge object along with some FIO tripples about it. Some examples could be:

  • (. fio:literature_reference doi:11.1234/0123456789.ch1)
  • (. fio:behavior_change_mechanism ffio:self-efficacy)

This knoweldge object is informative about which candidates are acceptable candidates and includes the metadata that links to the origin of the knowledge and a representation of the associated mechanism that could facilitate further reasoning.

KGrid Collections

Our collections will be a curated list of knowledge objects and the associated metadata which would be inappropriate to be contained by the list members themselves.

  1. Since intervention templates are not bound to a particular psychological theory,
  2. and a template may be appropriate for multiple theories.
  3. Maintaining a collection for each theory facilitates selection of templates to use when generating candidate interventions.